MDF Stethoscope Package Deal for ACC ADN Students

ACC is working with MDF Stethoscopes to provide a special deal on a stethoscope, a penlight, and bandage scissors for our use at clinicals. There are currently 3 different packages:

1: $60—select a solid color stethoscope, penlight, bandage scissors (discount code automatically applied at checkout).

2: $80—select a gold/rose gold stethoscope, penlight, bandage scissors (at checkout, click “cancel” under discount codes and then enter “austinshine” and press apply).

3: $105.09—select a special color stethoscope (i.e. peacock, cheetah, etc.), penlight, bandage scissors (discount code automatically applied at checkout).

If you would like to get your stethoscope engraved, please follow the steps listed below the link.

To get started, please click the link below!

To get your stethoscope engraved:

1. Add Penlight to Cart (DO NOT hit Checkout)

2. Add Bandage Scissors to Cart (DO NOT hit Checkout)

3. Click on the picture of the MD One stethoscope

4. Select "Click here to engrave your stethoscope!"

5. Choose a color

6. Choose "Yes + 12.95" for engraving option (this will be discounted appropriately at checkout)

7. Enter the engraving message

8. Select checkout

9. Hit "cancel" for the discount code (this must be done before the next step)

10. Manually enter "austineng" as the discount code and hit Apply